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Streaming Fee


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DCG is a structured product that tracks the performance of the leading governance tokens on Ethereum. There are no fees to the product besides potential gas fees. The product is built upon conducted research and uses SetProtocol's smart contract infrastructure. Buy on Arbitrum.


$ 0.00



3M Return

Constituent Weights


The DCgen Governance Core ($DCG) epitomizes precision in tracking the Ethereum ecosystem, focusing on the top 30 governance tokens through a market capitalization-weighted approach. Rebalanced bi-monthly, it employs the Laspeyres index model for accurate market representation, ensuring each token's inclusion adheres to stringent international token classification standards. This methodology not only guarantees a real-time reflection of market dynamics but also upholds the highest safety and compliance standards, providing investors with a reliable and comprehensive market benchmark.


The DCgen Governance Core ($DCG) is anchored in security, built upon the rigorously audited SetProtocol to ensure utmost safety in smart contract execution (details at SetProtocol's Security Documentation). While we are committed to security and precision, it's important for investors to recognize that all financial products, including $DCG, are subject to market risks and potential losses. We advise investors to carefully consider their risk appetite and investment goals when engaging with the index.




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Balance: 0.000


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Balance: 0.000

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You shall not purchase or otherwise acquire our restricted tokens if you are: a citizen, resident (tax or otherwise), green card holder, incorporated in, owned or controlled by a person or entity in, located in, or have a registered office or principal place of business in the U.S. (a “U.S. Person”), or if you are a person in any jurisdiction in which such offer, sale, and/or purchase of any of our token products is unlawful, prohibited, or unauthorized (together with U.S. Person, a “Restricted Person”). The term “Restricted Person” includes, but is not limited to, any natural person residing in, or any firm, company, partnership, trust, corporation, entity, government, state or agency of a state, or any other incorporated or unincorporated body or association, association or partnership (whether or not having separate legal personality) that is established and/or lawfully existing under the laws of, a jurisdiction in which such offer, sale, and/or purchase of any of our token products is unlawful, prohibited, or unauthorized). You shall not resell or otherwise transfer our restricted tokens to any Restricted Person. The transfer or resale of our restricted tokens to any Restricted Person is not permitted. Click here to view the list of Tokens Restricted for Restricted Persons. You shall read the Terms of Service and use our Website in compliance with the Terms of Service.